Friday, June 5, 2009

STUDS trip to World War II sites

This fine looking group of STUDS made a trip to The Remember Museum 39-45 and Fort Battice in eastern Belgium. The personal tour through the Museum by Matilda, half of the M in the M & M's was just incredible. We could have spent all day there.

Scott Axel, our newest member has saved me the trouble of writing up a summary, so I am just going to send you over to his blog for a commentary and more pictures. on the Museum.

The next stop was Fort Battice, the huge underground bunker complex near the border built to keep the Germans didn't work too well. MORE PICTURES AND COMMENTARY

Last stop was the American Cemetary at Henri Chapelle, a very somber and moving end to a long day. 7,992 American boys laid to rest. More pictures and observations

1 comment:

  1. Hi There !!

    Thanks for the lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing with us :)
