Friday, June 5, 2009

STUDS "Beer Road Trip"

The STUDS Beer Road Trip consisted of a tour of the Brewery at BOCQ

Everything began in 1858 when Martin BELOT, farmer in Purnode, started brewing a beer in his farm. In the very beginning, the beer was only brewed in the winter, when there was no work for his farmworkers on the fields. The discovery of a well of water of outstanding quality and quantity close to the farm was, of course, an additional asset.

Lunch at Les Montagnards , a restaurant tucked in the Ardenne. Packed for being in the middle of nowhere.

The Belgian Beer Museum in Lustin....if you want to be overwhelmed by everything beer, this is the place to be.

Les Montagnards

Beer tasting at the brewery....we lingered here a bit.

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